Sunday, February 3, 2013

Get That Scuba Gear On

Yeah, we're going deep today..

I'm sorry I've been AWOL guys.  It's been a strange week or two.  Surreal. 

I don't know if I'm the only one -- I can't be -- that can feel when a big life change is in the works behind the scenes.  You know something that feels a bit bigger than you?  Weird coincidences and what not.  I've been making pretty big life changes over the last 6 months or so.  Diet, exercise, self-help type of stuff.  Not to go too far off tangent, but I have a pretty big self-help/metaphysics library.  Love it!  I think self growth is so crucial.  Who wants to be stuck in the same pattern over and over?  Not me, b-o-r-i-n-g!  =)

Anyway, the changes that I'm mostly referring to relate to my romantic/love life.  I'm not one to kiss and tell, so I won't go into too many details...but I've been actively trying to step outside of my comfort zone.  Well, that has led to some interesting and fun  I've been having the kind of intense experiences that make me fully aware that some parts of the future "me" are a clean slate.  I guess it comes down to openness to new experiences... Heck, is any of this making sense?  I hope I'm not being too evasive because that's just lame for you guys!

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?  There are a couple of guys in my life...very different from one another, and different from who I've had in my life in the past.   It's a challenge to me to be as open as they are...but it's good for me.  Growth and what not, eh? 

It'll be interesting to see how things evolve.  Will let you guys know  =)

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