Sunday, February 3, 2013

Get That Scuba Gear On

Yeah, we're going deep today..

I'm sorry I've been AWOL guys.  It's been a strange week or two.  Surreal. 

I don't know if I'm the only one -- I can't be -- that can feel when a big life change is in the works behind the scenes.  You know something that feels a bit bigger than you?  Weird coincidences and what not.  I've been making pretty big life changes over the last 6 months or so.  Diet, exercise, self-help type of stuff.  Not to go too far off tangent, but I have a pretty big self-help/metaphysics library.  Love it!  I think self growth is so crucial.  Who wants to be stuck in the same pattern over and over?  Not me, b-o-r-i-n-g!  =)

Anyway, the changes that I'm mostly referring to relate to my romantic/love life.  I'm not one to kiss and tell, so I won't go into too many details...but I've been actively trying to step outside of my comfort zone.  Well, that has led to some interesting and fun  I've been having the kind of intense experiences that make me fully aware that some parts of the future "me" are a clean slate.  I guess it comes down to openness to new experiences... Heck, is any of this making sense?  I hope I'm not being too evasive because that's just lame for you guys!

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?  There are a couple of guys in my life...very different from one another, and different from who I've had in my life in the past.   It's a challenge to me to be as open as they are...but it's good for me.  Growth and what not, eh? 

It'll be interesting to see how things evolve.  Will let you guys know  =)

Friday, January 25, 2013


I have a soft, soft spot for The Cure.  Here's my favorite..

Had a great night, and I'm off to bed!  Nighty, night!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

In Color

Soo....I like to change things up every so often...something that feels at least a little bit drastic.  I used to be into piercings, but work places usually frown upon that and it's a younger thing to do really anyway.  Sometimes I'll buy going-out clothes that are way out of my comfort zone.  I mean, they'll look nice and cover me up but maybe show a little more leg and boob action than is per the usual for me...

Today I'm feeling like a color change though!  My natural hair color is dark blonde/light brown, and I'm thinking of going a dark cool-toned red/dark brown.  I have an appointment for tomorrow, and I'm excited!  These are the colors I"m thinking about --

ps - Don't tell me these colors all look the same!  There are minute differences -- can't you see them???

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Let's Dance!

Love each of these -- and hold onto your seat...they all feature DANCING!  ; )

Hey There!

Sorry I've been away guys!  Things at work and school picked up, and I was swept away with all of that.  Whew!

The weekend's been awesome so far though!  Mostly hanging out with friends..drinking more than I usually do and staying out laaate.  But that's good for the soul every now and then.  =)

Monday's a holiday for work, so I get a long weekend.  I'll probably spend it doing boring (but necessary) stuff like getting ahead on assignments.  lol  We have our first group project coming up, mostly involving marketing.  I'm hoping that I'll like this semester because it's the most creative aspect of the business realm.  I'm working on an MBA if I haven't specifically mentioned that here before.  Never ever would have imagined me in a business program, but it's the only program that is non-traditional-student friendly -- ie all online courses.  It's really quite disappointing that so few universities around here offer online master degree programs.  Come on guys, it's 2013.  Get with the times!  Maybe it's because I live in the South where we seem to be more hesitant to change...

In the past few months I have been moving to eating more healthy foods, but I've amped it up these days.  Mostly protein, lots of veggies, etc.  I went grocery shopping this weekend and felt like a real freakin' adult because I purchased a pork loin.  A pork loin, people!  Now, I love to cook, but hunks of meat intimidate me.  I have a hard time telling when it's done, and it's usually expensive.  ..Not to mention the willies I sometimes feel from meat that actually looks like...well, animal meat.  ..I used to be a vegetarian...but that's a story for another time.  Anyway, I was actually kind of proud of myself for being a purchaser of said product.  Now, what to marinate it in?...hmm..the fun part!

Have a fab rest of your weekend, all!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Where I live, we are under an ice storm warning today.  It's freaking cold, folks!  I live in the southern US, and we aren't used to this kind of weather.  My work was canceled because of it, so I've been doing a little work from home and just basically piddling around.  I need to start doing some organizing, but I'm having trouble getting motivated.  Blah, blah, blah

I watched a great movie this weekend -- 50/50 with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen.  The movie is about a guy in his late 20's that finds out he has cancer and how he reacts to it.  It's not quite as depressing as it sounds.  It's definitely a different take on this kind of material than I've seen before.  It's sad, funny, quirky...highly recommend it!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Caffeine, please!

I love coffee.  I adore it.  I heart it.

Thought I'd share with you guys my favorite coffee for making at home! Everyone that likes coffee should definitely try it!  Community Coffee is a company out of Louisiana.  They make a bazillion different kinds, but my fav is the dark roast.  Strong and smooth.  Yummo!

They also make chicory coffee if that's your thing.  For you guys that live outside this area, it's the classic New Orleans style coffee.  The chicory gives it a distinctive taste, but I usually only drink it if I'm in NO.

Have a fab weekend all!  I'm going to finish cleaning, and then I'm off to eat some yummy food and play poker.  =P

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Silly Kate

This is for all of the Brontë lovers out there...

This video makes me roll with laughter!  I'm guessing it was
cutting edge at the time?  Song is awesome though!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Here We Go Again On Our Own...

Did you imagine Tawny Kitaen on the hood of a car too??  I couldn't help it!  haha  Feeling a bit goofy tonight

Quick update:  School started back yesterday.  I have that crazy professor, AGAIN.  Send out good vibes for me, everyone!  Hopefully she'll be more reasonable/sane/humane this go round.  We have been promised as much...

So you will probably be seeing less chatty posts...more Youtube video love or possibly the ramblings of a stressed, over-the-edge grad student.  Either could be pretty entertaining, huh?  ; )

Young Talent

Geez, these two sisters are talented.  I could watch this over and over and over...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Live Lovelies

Live from Bonnaroo

Has intro - great live version!

Good gah, I love this

Year or two later and it's still a favorite.  Best live

Tori love

Friday, January 4, 2013


Today I had an epiphany.  Those moments are some of my favorites in life.  I don't mean to be evasive really.  To me they're like wishes though; you don't tell anyone the details until down the road.  I just wanted to put it out there somewhere in the world!  =)

One of my favorites from her

Who can't love the Indigo Girls?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Poetry & Rambling

When I graduated from high school, a family friend gave me a book of collected poems.  One poem in particular stood out to me.  Who was this Rumi?  His poetry is like a much, much better (of course!), lighter version of some of my poetry.  I write in a similar fashion and delve into the same topics at times.  It felt like we were on the same wavelength, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, the book above is my favorite collection of Rumi's poetry.  I go back to it a lot and my copy looks it. haha  Here are some of my favorites  =)

(ps -- I hem and haw over his use of the word God, but float over that, and keep the rest. Love it anyway.)


The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.



I have lived on the lip of insanity,
wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door.
It opens.
I’ve been knocking from the inside!


No Flag

I used to want buyers for my words.
Now I wish someone would buy me away from words.

I have made a lot of charmingly profound images,
scenes with Abraham and Abraham's father, Azar,
who was famous for making icons.

I am so tired of what I have been doing.

Then one image without form came,
and I quit.

Look for someone else to tend the shop.
I am out of the image-making business.

Finally I know the freedom
of madness.

A random image arrives. I scream,
Get out! It disintegrates.

Only love.
Only the holder the flag fits into.
No flag.


Tending Two Shops

Don’t run around this world
looking for a hole to hide in.

There are wild beasts in every cave!
If you live with mice,
the cat claws will find you.
The only real rest comes
when you’re alone with God.

Live in the nowhere that you came from,
even though you have an address here.

That’s why you see things in two ways.
Sometimes you look at a person
and see a cynical snake.

Someone else sees a joyful lover,
and you’re both right!

Everyone is half and half,
like the black and white ox.

Joseph looked ugly to his brothers,
and most handsome to his father.

You have eyes that see from that nowhere,
and eyes that judge distances,
how high and how low.

You own two shops,
and you run back and forth.
Try to close the one that’s a fearful trap,
getting always smaller.  Checkmate,
this way.  Checkmate, that.

Keep open the shop
where you’re not selling fishhooks anymore.
You are the free-swimming fish.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Cooking dinner, drinking tea, and thinking about my day...

So my break is over.  Work is back in full swing...bit of a crazy day, but at least I just have two days left for this week.  Thank goodness my classes don't start until Monday.  One weekend left of freeeeedom.

I'm being set up (we're talking dating here, not being takes so little to humor me today), and I'm not sure how I feel about it.  My current stance is eh, I guess why not? I'm usually more of a could be fun! type, but I'm a bit burned out on all this. 

Why do things have to be so complicated and confusing?  What is the purpose of it?  Is that just part of the process that lets you know when you find someone that is more "right" for you than the others?  No weirdness = possibility?  I'm usually pretty insightful and good at reading people, but in this arena I'm left scratching my head.  There is a definite societal dance involved in this process.  Maybe I'm in the wrong room because I don't know this dance.  Everybody seems to have a different opinion on the topic, and books are usually cliche or just want you to play games.  Booo to that!  I hate games...that stuff should end in your teens.  I'm afraid I'm getting jaded.  I don't want to live in jaded-land because that's just a sad place to be.

Well, I'll look at the positive -- I'm assured that this guy does not hunt.  That's near the top of my no-go list.  Can't be dating a Bambi killer..then I really would be sad.  heh    ...yes, the meat I buy at the grocery store just magically appears...thanks for asking  ; )

Nothing like the return to work to make you bump into reality again!

ps -- I hate leaving things with a *thud* so below is something that made me laugh so hard I had tears rolling down my face.  Could have just been one of those days, but if you're anything like me you'll at least get a giggle or teehee from imagining it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Podcast Loving

Happy New Year everyone!  Here's to a fabulous 2013!

I thought I'd share the love with you guys today.  Here are some of my favorite podcasts, in no real order....  (click on the images to go to their websites)
This American Life - been a fan of this show forever.  Love me some Ira Glass.

Psychic Teachers Blog Talk Radio - metaphysics intrigues me.  Two ladies run this podcast, and they cover everything from developing your intuition, ghosts, tarot, crystals...basically anything New Age you could think about.  I know when you get to media in this realm it can be fake and hokey, but they are different.  Genuine and heartfelt.

Nerdist - interesting interviews, fab nerd talk (of course!) and just a great podcast overall.

Fresh Air - Terry Gross can do an interview like no one else!  She's not afraid to go there

The Mental Illness Happy Hour - people don't talk about their darker/shadow/what have you side in our society.  It's refreshing to hear people be open about it and their experiences.  Paul Gilmartin is the host, and he's an awesome interviewer.  My favorite episode is with Teresa Strasser -  a must listen if you're into this kind of thing.

WTF with Marc Maron - he just makes me laugh.  He's real..that's probably my favorite thing about his podcast.

Diggnation - has ended but I loved those guys.  Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht talked about everything tech.  Often silly, the whole crew just had a great vibe.