Monday, January 14, 2013


Where I live, we are under an ice storm warning today.  It's freaking cold, folks!  I live in the southern US, and we aren't used to this kind of weather.  My work was canceled because of it, so I've been doing a little work from home and just basically piddling around.  I need to start doing some organizing, but I'm having trouble getting motivated.  Blah, blah, blah

I watched a great movie this weekend -- 50/50 with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen.  The movie is about a guy in his late 20's that finds out he has cancer and how he reacts to it.  It's not quite as depressing as it sounds.  It's definitely a different take on this kind of material than I've seen before.  It's sad, funny, quirky...highly recommend it!

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