Monday, November 5, 2012

A Poetic Frame of Mind

Rainy days are the perfect environment for poetry to me.  In honor of a beloved drizzly, cool day in the Delta...

I used to write poetry all the time.  Now, not so much.  It seems to come in cycles really.  Dreams are like that for me also.  I'll remember my dreams almost every night for months on end, then *poof*, nothing. Odd, huh?

I was in south MS for a wedding recently and got to visit my great aunt. (Shout out to Aunt Re!  Love her!) She and I are close and talk about the oddest, most random things.  Anyway, she reminded me of some poems of mine that I had given her eons ago.  I have most of my poems in a journal of some sort, but I don't remember these two.  Ahhh, how old poetry can make you simultaneously giggle, groan, and smile!  haha

I know it's a cop out not to include them here after mentioning them, but I don't think I'm brave enough. heh  Maybe in the future...

I've been feeling the urge to write poetry again actually.  We'll see.  It's never light going.

Have a happy, rainy night, all!

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