Monday, November 19, 2012


Finally got my new phone, so I'm checking out the camera possibilities.

Here's my day in random bits and pieces 

 In case you were wondering...the closest Trader Joe's is in Nashville.  Heart 'em.

I can't be a true, crazy cat lady without two pics in one week, right?

See below for the remainder of the shots...
Trying to save your eye balls and monitor space here...fewer things are more annoying than scrolling through endless pictures you don't have the slightest interest in!

The reason I picked this bed frame.  Who can't love a headboard with a whimsical bird on it?

Knock-Out roses in my parents' yard are still blooming!
Gift from my aunt & uncle when my parents built their home.  =)

Ohh, Sephora, you tempt me with such delightful treats!
And your new catalog is extra fancy, smancy!

Tea and books on the porch.  Perfect sweater weather!

My favorite pic from today.  It looks like a nightmare.  I'm petting my aunt & uncle's German Shepherd puppy named Tess.  (They live across the dam, and Tess wanders over to visit us.) She looks fierce in this picture, but see below for the *real* Tess.

See?  She's a loving goofball! 

We usually play card games at night.  Canasta.  To be forthcoming, I can be a *bit* competitive.  I can already hear the heckling... ah haha

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