Sunday, November 11, 2012

Whirring Down

Beep. Beepity. Beep. Beep.  I've been doing stats and accounting assignments all day, and I still have work left to do!  I feel like a robot.  I'm so sick of ANOVAS, formulas, and reports that I'm adding them to my curse word list.  I'm talking the really bad words like Voldemort, those that you dare not speak of. Mind you, this comes from a woman that can curse like a m***** f****** sailor when so inclined.  So my list is short, people --

Mel's Official Bad Curse Word List
  • any slur word
  • t-test
  • (insert word here) formula
  • EAA
  • a certain c-word (not class related, just can't stand it)

I'm usually a pretty perky person, but I'm sorry this is what you're getting tonight, folks!  Actually, now that I've written this out, I'm feeling a bit less "off with their heads!"  heh!  Ehh, geez...

Sleep, here I comeeee

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