Tuesday, November 20, 2012


If someone ever tells you can always go home, just say no.  The anti-drug movement can't hog the phrase.  Just. Say. No.  I'm not talking for a couple of days, that's doable.  But a week, nay-nay.  Is it Thanksgiving yetttt???

This makes me and/or my family sound horrible...but it's just that family dynamic that always comes out.  I'm sure it happens to almost all of us.  I'm an independent, freedom-loving, strong-willed girlie, and I don't like being smooshed into a box of any sort. I love 'em to death, but I'm reaching my limit, guys.

Yes, we're talking about the state of crabbiness tonight.  Because that's what I am.  Crabby.  C-R-A-B-B-Y.  (and redundant seems applicable as well)  To be fair to myself, I'm still recovering from surgery, not smoking, wrapping up assignments for classes (will that hell ever end???), and have a few other things going on. 

There is a bright side -- I found a picture of a crab (see above) that seems befitting of my present state.  He seems a little lost or confused perhaps, but in a comical way.  Anywhoo, I'm sure he could pinch the hell out of you if he felt the need.  Maybe that's what I need...yesssss....some pinchers!!!  That will make everything better.

ps - no pain medicine was involved in this entry.  sometimes being weird is good for the soul  =)

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